USCG Auxillary Logo District 1 Southern Region
Division 14, Flotilla 12-08
Ft. Totten, New York


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District 1SR
Division 12




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Last updated: 06/14/2009


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."--Margaret Mead. 

Welcome to Flotilla 12-08 at Ft. Totten, New York City!

Meeting the third Wednesday of every month at the Auxiliary Blgd.,2nd. Floor, Ft. Totten, Queens, City of New York We offers members many opportunities in education, training and fellowship.  Our meetings begin at 2000 and guests are always welcome!.

The flotilla is an Emergency Response Unit for the City of New York.  TUSCG Eaglehis area includes the northern side of the County of Queens including parts of the East River and Long island Sound.  We are fortunate that our crews can easily proceed toward the City of New York Harbor as well as the Long Island Sound. 

Auxiliarists in Ft. Totten are also fortunate, however, in that they may train and participate not only in Emergency Response Operations, but they may go the air operation or 'aviation' route within our division.  Our members are a dedicated team of people who have served and continue to serve their county!




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