USCG Auxillary Logo District 1 Southern Region
Division 14, Flotilla 12-08
Ft. Totten, New York


How to Join

Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks

Kids Only


Member Links

District 1SR
Division 12




Privacy Policy/ Disclaimer

Last updated: 06/13/09


Uncle Sam - "I want You"

Knowing that you are helping to save lives -- Either directly through Search and Rescue Operations, Emergency Response or indirectly, through the Auxiliary's Public Education and through the Vessel Safety Check Programs.

* Special training -the Auxiliary and the Coast Guard provide training on all aspects of boating;

* Fellowship -- the auxiliary provides opportunities to meet and have fun with fellow boaters;

* If you enjoy working with the best.


Membership is open to all citizens of the United States and its territories who are at least 17 years old.

Facility ownership (radio station, aircraft or boat ) is desirable, but not mandatory. Individuals with special skills or interests that may be useful to the Auxiliary (teaching, public affairs, administration and many others) are also welcome.

New members will need to complete the Auxiliary's Boating Safety and Seamanship Course, Sailing and Seamanship Course, or an equivalent test, in order to participate in some programs. Fellow Auxiliarists will help new members as mentors to help understand information about the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary, from chain of command, to special training, to proper uniforms. But most important, you do not need to own a vessel to be a member!

Find out more

 Contact your local Auxiliary flotilla.
To find one near you, visit the Flotilla Finder.


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