USCG Auxillary Logo District 1 Southern Region
Division 14, Flotilla 12-08
Ft. Totten, New York


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District 1SR
Division 12




Privacy Policy/ Disclaimer

Last updated: 06/13/09

Notice/Disclaimer and Privacy Policy Information for District 1 South.

Notice/ Disclaimer

Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are provided for the convenience of our customers. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or secondary sites from the pages to which they link.

Privacy Policy Statement

External Sites:

This site may contain links to other external web sites. If you use any of the external links, you will be directed to a site which is not covered by our privacy policies. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected on the First District Southern Region websites.


This site might include web-based forms from time to time. These forms may include a request for assistance or information, notification, registration, and a survey. No information is collected at all unless the user clicks on the “submit” button associated with the form. The information collected on any forms is treated as confidential, and will only be used for the purpose for which it was intended. All information gathered on the First District Southern Region websites are stored and maintained in a fashion that limits access to authorized personnel only.


The First District Southern Region websites makes use of cookies to provide services that would be impossible without them. Cookies may be used to store a member's logged-in state, whether a computer belongs to a member or not, and the session identification for the current online session. Information stored in these cookies is limited to that needed for the current session. Personal information of the member, or a member of the General Public will not be stored in this manner.

Log Files:

Log files of the traffic that visits, or posts materials on this site are stored for analysis. Log files are used to record data transmission loads and determine site utilization. Information collected on web site viewers are limited to the URL of the visited sites, IP address and browser type, and the time and duration of the visit. Users posting materials to a site will have their URL, the posted URL, and the number of bytes transferred included in the log. By using this site, you agree to allow the logging of such information.

For comments and/or corrections on this website contact the Webmaster